Why You Should Never Skip Breakfast If You’re Trying to Lose Weight

A lot of people think that skipping breakfast will help them lose weight. After all, you’re taking in fewer calories if you don’t eat breakfast, right? Wrong. Studies have shown time and again that people who eat breakfast are more likely to lose weight and keep it off than those who don’t.

Does Breakfast Really Help You Lose Weight?
The theory behind why breakfast helps with weight loss is that eating a healthy meal in the morning jump starts your metabolism and gives you energy to make it through the day without snacking. When you skip breakfast and go until lunch without eating, you’re more likely to make unhealthy choices and overeat because you’re so famished. Studies have also shown that people who eat breakfast tend to eat less throughout the day.

So What Should I Eat for Breakfast?
A lot of people think that they need to load up on carbs in order to feel satisfied in the morning, but that’s not necessarily true. A balanced breakfast contains protein, fat, and carbs—but it’s important to focus on foods that are high in fibre and low in sugar. A great option is eggs; they’re packed with protein and will help keep you feeling full until lunchtime. Other good options include yogurt, oatmeal, smoothies, fruit, whole grain toast, or an avocado on some toasted low carb bread.

Skipping breakfast might seem like an easy way to cut calories and lose weight, but it’s actually counterproductive. Not only will you be more likely to make unhealthy food choices later in the day, but you’re also more likely to overeat because you’ll be so famished by lunchtime. Eating a healthy breakfast is key to losing weight—so make sure you start your day off right!

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